Matt Smith said: "Residents were interested to hear about measures taken by this Conservative-led government to promote the regeneration of high streets in Bethnal Green and Bow like Roman Road".
"We are ending unfair parking policies: Official figures show that Tower Hamlets received £8,318,000 in surplus revenue from parking charges and £6,450,000 in parking fines in 2013/14. We will consult on freezing all parking penalty charges from now until May 2015; allowing communities to force councils to review their parking policies and charges; stopping aggressive and unfair parking enforcement, including giving motorists ‘grace periods’, and stopping CCTV being used for on-street parking enforcement".
"We have doubled small business rate relief: We are extending this relief which will help 540,000 of the smallest companies and mean 360,000 businesses will pay no business rates at all. From April 2014, certain small retail premises will get a £1,000 allowance for business rates".
"We have introduced a planning system that supports high streets:We have made iteasier for landlords to bring empty properties back into use and are looking at speeding up the conversion of shops into homes. We will now consult on making it easier to convert retail units into restaurants, cinemas and other leisure premises".